21.   Ceballos, Finley and Green might have a familiar ring.

22.   For all their familiar ring, what do such statements mean?

23.   For baseball fans in Los Angeles, the observations should have a faintly familiar ring to them.

24.   If that name may lack a familiar ring, so does the new company logo.

25.   In San Angelo, House Appropriations Chairman Rob Junell, a Democrat who backs Bush, said the Gore theme has a familiar ring to it.

26.   It all had a very familiar ring to it.

27.   It all has a familiar centrist ring.

28.   It had a familiar ring.

29.   It has a familiar ring to it, a quite familiar ring.

30.   Later in his performance, when he unveiled his strategy for saving Apple, it had a familiar ring.

a. + ring >>共 713
olympic 5.25%
boxing 4.83%
smuggling 4.66%
gold 3.35%
familiar 3.26%
trafficking 2.03%
first 1.52%
international 1.31%
concentric 1.27%
silver 1.23%
familiar + n. >>共 1382
people 7.07%
face 6.66%
source 4.86%
name 3.30%
official 2.99%
person 2.89%
territory 1.89%
one 1.74%
figure 1.56%
pattern 1.54%
ring 1.28%
每页显示:    共 77