21.   Crows are following a familiar pattern.

22.   Disturbingly, the unfolding saga is already following a familiar pattern.

23.   Even for people who are not sports fans, Olympics-watching follows a familiar pattern.

24.   Even in a house full of tension, this family has its rhythms and can settle into familiar patterns.

25.   Following a familiar pattern, the U.S. is overreacting to his provocations and letting domestic politics distort foreign policy priorities.

26.   For a while, it seemed as if Hebron was slipping back into familiar patterns of violence, and that the whole tinderbox city was about to erupt.

27.   Following the familiar pattern in the House this year, the vote went along party lines.

28.   For now, Japan in some respects resembles a one-party state, with a familiar pattern of political corruption and stagnation.

29.   Gains by top exporters continued a familiar pattern of investors chasing shares of internationally competitive auto and electronics makers, which were also popular in December.

30.   Gellman, the lawyer and privacy expert, sees a familiar pattern unfolding.

a. + pattern >>共 1249
same 4.60%
similar 4.23%
different 2.01%
familiar 1.99%
voting 1.84%
new 1.48%
normal 1.26%
spending 1.26%
geometric 1.22%
floral 1.07%
familiar + n. >>共 1382
people 7.07%
face 6.66%
source 4.86%
name 3.30%
official 2.99%
person 2.89%
territory 1.89%
one 1.74%
figure 1.56%
pattern 1.54%
每页显示:    共 92