21.   Daily journalism is a cyclical business, as every publisher knows, and many local factors affect circulation figures and advertising revenue.

22.   Economic factors can also affect the travel choices of bigger-spending households.

23.   Experts agree that there is no single explanation for deviant behavior, although environmental and genetic factors might affect it.

24.   Granted, overall prospects for the airline business are gloomy, but those factors affect all airlines, not just America West.

25.   However, the company said it expects these problems will be temporary because economies globally continue to grow, the key factor affecting pricing and demand for its products.

26.   It is very hard to measure the effect of deficits on interest rates because so many other factors can affect real rates.

27.   Kagermann said other factors affected profits, such as the strong deutsche mark and increased in investment in new markets such as Latin America and China.

28.   Many complex factors affect climate, from the oceans and atmosphere to solar radiation and the chemical reactions of greenhouse gases.

29.   Obviously, this factor does not affect the primary basis for our denying vacatur.

30.   Other factors can affect acoustics, like the surface of the stage or the use of scenery.

n. + affect >>共 1607
change 3.20%
strike 2.39%
decision 1.98%
cut 1.82%
problem 1.80%
ruling 1.59%
disease 1.29%
crisis 1.17%
rule 1.03%
move 0.92%
factor 0.80%
factor + v. >>共 367
be 47.77%
contribute 3.22%
make 2.51%
include 2.30%
play 2.14%
help 1.58%
cause 1.53%
affect 1.40%
influence 1.37%
come 1.35%
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