21.   The few extrasolar planets found in recent years have not been observed directly, only inferred from their gravitational effects on their parent stars.

22.   The discovery was praised as the first convincing evidence of an extrasolar planet.

23.   The first discoveries of extrasolar planets should have prepared astronomers to expect the unexpected.

24.   The latest discovery about extrasolar planets stemmed from a frustrating night of bad weather at the Keck Observatory on Mauna Kea in Hawaii.

25.   The only way to detect an extrasolar planet is from the way its gravity pulls the star ever so slightly back and forth.

26.   The observations were described at a conference on extrasolar planets at the Carnegie Institution in Washington, sponsored in part by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

27.   The teams of extrasolar planet finders are already working to refine their technique, which will bring down the size of planet they can discover.

28.   Until now, astronomers thought they lacked the techniques to detect small extrasolar planets, but an international research team has proved them wrong.

29.   Until now, astronomers were puzzled and bewildered by the extrasolar planets they were observing.

30.   The Marcy-Butler team has been trying to detect extrasolar planets for more than a decade.

a. + planet >>共 253
red 6.29%
different 6.04%
distant 5.67%
giant 4.69%
new 4.32%
extrasolar 3.70%
entire 3.45%
whole 2.96%
the 2.10%
home 2.10%
extrasolar + n. >>共 3
planet 93.75%
discovery 3.13%
system 3.13%
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