21.   Hellon said the exit polling also shows that Arizona Republicans can no longer take voters for granted.

22.   Independents voted three to one in favor of McCain, accord ing to the exit polling by Voter News Service.

23.   New York time, may possibly contain official results, but will certainly be informed by exit polling.

24.   Nonetheless, sometimes an early declaration that a candidate has carried a state is based on projections, a compilation of exit polling and early results from bellwether precincts.

25.   Once upon a time, networks did their own exit polling.

26.   The steps include improving the statistical models they use to project winners and more circumspective use of exit polling.

27.   ------ The exit polling was conducted by Voter News Service, a consortium of the AP and television networks.

28.   ------ The exit polling was conducted by Voter News Service, a consortium of the AP and television networks ABC, CBS, CNN, Fox and NBC.

29.   But exit polling shows that some core Democratic constituencies may not rally around Bush.

30.   Electoral rules restrict exit polling, and Associated Press reporters and others visited a number of voting stations where polls were not taken.

n. + polling >>共 19
exit 49.00%
opinion 12.00%
campaign 6.00%
push 6.00%
telephone 5.00%
weekend 4.00%
observer 3.00%
ballot 2.00%
country 2.00%
time 2.00%
exit + n. >>共 121
strategy 14.73%
visa 10.17%
door 8.74%
ramp 6.91%
polling 6.39%
point 4.17%
route 3.65%
interview 3.65%
permit 3.52%
sign 3.13%
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