21.   In fact, it may be the most audacious artificial brain ever to exist outside of science fiction.

22.   It is not clear what evidence existed of a potential attack inside the United States.

23.   No known paintings or drawings exist of Chelor.

24.   No evidence exists of ongoing risk in the pools, said health officials who deemed the pools to now be safe.

25.   No record exists of Friendship ever doing business in Nevada.

26.   No portraits exist of Sally Hemings or her children, but they evidently had extremely fair skin.

27.   No chance exists of a democratic uprising from within because the North Korean leaders allow no individual freedoms.

28.   No record exists of a special tax or lottery to pay for the Colosseum.

29.   No single dominant model exists of what a grandparent is supposed to do and how a grandparent is supposed to act.

30.   One Rockets insider said the possibility exists of more movement before the draft.

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