21.   Rebuilding estimates range in the tens of billions of dollars.

22.   Shattuck would not say how many prisoners are believed held on all sides, but estimates range as high as several thousand.

23.   Chechen estimates ranged from just five tanks to a major force of armoured personnel carriers and tanks.

24.   Estimates range from two to three weeks to two to three months, with the latter more likely, he said.

n. + range >>共 879
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color 1.16%
charge 1.16%
sentence 1.11%
estimate 1.03%
injury 1.03%
problem 0.99%
symptom 0.99%
wide 0.94%
estimate + v. >>共 165
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include 3.20%
come 2.51%
say 2.30%
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每页显示:    共 24