21.   The engineers tried a lighted switch that looked like a wall switch for a light.

22.   The flight was delayed five days while engineers tried to secure a Russian cargo craft, Progress, to the station before the shuttle arrived.

23.   These giant computers allow automotive engineers to try a multitude of setups on shocks, springs, alignment settings and aerodynamics without having to build expensive prototype cars.

24.   To improve its performance, the Delta Clipper engineers will try a number of engine configurations and fuel recipes.

25.   Tuesday night, engineers were trying to determine whether the facility would be safe for play Wednesday.

26.   When engineers tried to bring the system back up, it did not work properly, a problem they assumed was due to a flaw in the switch installation.

27.   When working with components of this size, high up in the air, engineers try to leave as little to chance as possible.

28.   While that bottleneck remains, the engineers are trying to spare the sparrow by storing more water in marshes north of the park.

29.   While these plans ferment, local traffic engineers are trying to cope in the here and now.

30.   A few bodies are believed to remain in the basement of the building, which engineers are trying to reach by removing the upper floors.

n. + try >>共 892
government 5.31%
official 4.29%
company 4.14%
police 3.26%
people 1.95%
authority 1.87%
group 1.56%
investigator 1.56%
team 1.53%
leader 1.35%
engineer 0.20%
engineer + v. >>共 557
be 8.82%
say 7.90%
work 3.69%
have 3.41%
use 2.37%
try 2.21%
find 1.76%
believe 1.68%
design 1.20%
build 1.08%
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