21.   These are genetically engineered to produce a non-gloopy version.

22.   When bacteria are engineered to produce large quantities of the protein, for example, it links up in chains into a disordered, insoluble mess.

23.   A type of corn that has been genetically engineered to produce its own insecticide has been approved by the Agriculture Department.

24.   Corn can be engineered to produce a natural pesticide called Bt, one of the best natural pesticides organic farmers use.

25.   Cotton and corn that have been genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides already are in wide use.

26.   EPA regulates crops, such as StarLink, that are genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides.

27.   He charged that Bt corn, a variety genetically engineered to produce a natural insecticide, will cause irreparable harm to organic farmers.

28.   It is genetically engineered to produce its own pesticide, reducing the need for chemical pesticides.

29.   StarLink is one of several types of corn that have been genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides.

30.   StarLink is among several varieties of corn genetically engineered to produce their own pesticides.

v. + produce >>共 212
use 36.02%
combine 7.03%
engineer 5.23%
be 2.69%
cost 2.69%
work 2.09%
do 1.05%
develop 1.05%
merge 0.90%
interact 0.75%
engineer + v. >>共 68
produce 23.81%
be 8.84%
carry 5.44%
resist 4.76%
make 2.72%
lack 2.04%
get 2.04%
provide 2.04%
withstand 2.04%
accommodate 1.36%
每页显示:    共 35