21.   Ending an era of change, Mandela says goodbye to parliament.

22.   Farmers say disruptions in a country once seen a breadbasket in the region has ended an era of comparative prosperity in which white farmers played a key role.

23.   Last month, Australia entered into a similar bilateral security cooperation pact with Indonesia, officially ending an era of mutual suspicion.

24.   The first time, Michael Jordan ended an era himself.

25.   The Treaty of Westphalia ended an era of religious war between Roman Catholics and Protestants, fought mostly in Germany.

26.   Then the Giants and Dodgers were lured to California, ending an era in New York baseball.

27.   Chinese parliamentary deputies debated Wednesday a draft central bank law, hailed as ending an era of state control over monetary policy.

28.   The ousting of Serge Trigano as head of the Club Mediterranee ends an era for the pioneering French tourism group, founded by his father.

29.   The retirements of Michael Jordan and Magic Johnson ended an era for flashy guards and the big men have inherited the throne.

30.   Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland stunned Norway Wednesday by resigning unexpectedly, ending a era in which she dominated politics at home and carved out a powerful reputation abroad.

v. + era >>共 124
enter 12.22%
end 9.97%
define 6.11%
evoke 4.18%
dominate 2.57%
herald 2.57%
recall 2.57%
represent 2.57%
compare 2.25%
bring 1.93%
end + n. >>共 821
war 4.98%
inning 4.81%
game 2.95%
violence 2.86%
conflict 2.78%
crisis 2.27%
career 2.16%
strike 2.09%
threat 1.95%
life 1.48%
era 0.18%
每页显示:    共 31