21.   The sheriff and his safe-sex crusaders nonetheless encountered obstacles.

22.   While Republicans had hoped to run a glitch-free convention, they encountered several obstacles on their second day.

23.   Witnesses included executives from two small carriers, JetBlue Airways and Spirit Airlines, who said they have encountered numerous obstacles in trying to compete with major competitors.

24.   Yet these goals are encountering obstacles in a Congress increasingly reluctant to focus the national vision beyond the current fiscal year.

25.   Despite such a significant upmove, the recovery will still encounter more obstacles ahead.

26.   He said he encountered no obstacles when fleeing Iraq.

27.   Opposition candidates say they have encountered obstacles in conducting campaign tours.

28.   Some of us cease in our efforts when we encounter serious obstacles.

29.   The U.N. Committee for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women said women in Guyana encounter many obstacles that prevent them from enjoying equal rights and adequate health services.

30.   Carl Bildt, appointed to oversee the implementation of civilian aspects of the peace accord, said he encountered no obstacles from Bosnian authorities in helping organize the mass.

v. + obstacle >>共 187
face 23.82%
overcome 17.78%
remove 8.92%
have 3.16%
create 2.95%
present 2.74%
encounter 2.11%
clear 2.11%
pose 1.83%
surmount 1.41%
encounter + n. >>共 748
problem 12.99%
resistance 8.98%
difficulty 5.71%
opposition 4.38%
trouble 2.40%
obstacle 1.38%
people 1.06%
turbulence 1.01%
man 0.92%
criticism 0.83%
每页显示:    共 30