21.   A UN Protection Force convoy with supplies for Bangladeshi peacekeepers was allowed into the embattled Bosnian Bihac enclave, they said.

22.   A UN spokeswoman in Zagreb said an UNPROFOR convoy with supplies for Bangladeshi peace-keepers was allowed into the embattled Bihac enclave in northwestern Bosnia.

23.   A UN Protection Force convoy with supplies for Bangladeshi peace-keepers Thursday was allowed into the embattled Bosnian Bihac enclave, a UN spokeswoman said here.

24.   Albright said the peacekeepers near the embattled enclave had warned that they might have to call in the NATO air support if the attacks continue.

25.   Croatian President Franjo Tudjman Saturday arrived in Split to discuss with Bosnian President Alija Izetbegovic the embattled Bihac enclave and results of the London meeting on Bosnia.

26.   The United States signaled Thursday it was looking to Croatia to help relieve the pressure on Bihac, the embattled Moslem enclave in northwestern Bosnia.

27.   UN Bosnia commander Lieutenant-General Sir Michael Rose has left Sarajevo for the embattled Bihac enclave in northwestern Bosnia, a UN source said Saturday.

28.   UN Bosnia commander Lieutenant-General Sir Michael Rose will try to enter the embattled Bihac enclave in northwestern Bosnia on Wednesday, UN spokesman Alexander Ivanko said Tuesday.

29.   NATO warplanes struck Serb targets around the embattled Moslem enclave of Bihac Wednesday amid reports that Serb forces had penetrated a UN-declared safe zone in the area.

30.   Nor did the embattled enclave resign itself to living in the dark.

a. + enclave >>共 396
eastern 12.05%
muslim 8.91%
moslem 6.20%
jewish 5.33%
bosnian 3.00%
government-held 2.65%
autonomous 2.62%
portuguese 2.39%
besieged 2.24%
northwestern 2.18%
embattled 0.90%
embattled + n. >>共 304
president 7.46%
province 5.74%
government 4.98%
leader 4.02%
capital 3.83%
region 3.35%
enclave 2.97%
coach 2.49%
country 1.53%
peacekeeper 1.53%
每页显示:    共 31