21.   This time, if the U.S. economy rebounds, it could kickstart the economies of Germany and Japan, economists said.

22.   Together the reports contain hints that price pressures could return as the economy rebounds from its third quarter slump.

23.   U.S. bonds pared early gains amid concern that the Federal Reserve will refrain from lowering interest rates as the economy rebounds.

24.   He believes that free trade with Cuba could bolster sagging crop prices and help the U.S. farm economy rebound while providing the island relatively cheap food.

25.   Investors will begin investing only after the economy rebounds which will automatically allow them to gain benefits from the purchased projects.

26.   They say annual surpluses will return shortly if the economy rebounds and if Democratic efforts to boost spending are rebuffed.

27.   When the economy rebounds, Concepcion Industries might well be ahead of the pack .

n. + rebound >>共 73
economy 14.67%
market 13.59%
year 4.35%
late-day 3.80%
spring 3.26%
week 3.26%
price 2.72%
corner 2.17%
first-half 2.17%
penalty 2.17%
economy + n. >>共 408
minister 15.22%
ministry 4.56%
standard 2.95%
stock 2.45%
remains 1.96%
rebound 1.89%
car 1.82%
company 1.61%
sour 1.47%
measure 1.40%
每页显示:    共 27