21.   For others, the drugs are failing.

22.   If the drugs fail, the woman must have a surgical abortion.

23.   If the drug fails to lengthen the time that someone remains healthy, science is still well-served, but it is a disaster for the individual.

24.   If the drugs failed to fulfill their initial promise, they were to be removed from the market.

25.   Immunex at first is aiming at patients for whom existing drugs have failed.

26.   Jamas joined Repair when Alpha-Beta went out of business after its first drug failed to get approved by government regulators.

27.   Many drugs fail because they are toxic to the liver or because the liver breaks them down before they can act.

28.   Moreover, the drugs currently fail to suppress HIV in as many as a third of all patients, and that proportion may grow over time.

29.   Most candidate drugs fail in the testing process, however promising the initial results.

30.   Regeneron has now had two drugs fail to treat the degenerative nerve disease in Phase III clinical trials on volunteers.

n. + fail >>共 1238
government 3.63%
effort 2.93%
talk 2.65%
company 2.31%
system 1.41%
official 1.36%
attempt 1.35%
negotiation 1.27%
team 1.20%
side 1.15%
drug 0.27%
drug + v. >>共 520
be 31.69%
have 4.61%
work 3.45%
traffic 2.96%
help 2.64%
cause 2.60%
become 1.66%
come 1.48%
reduce 1.38%
make 1.14%
fail 0.87%
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