21.   The drought forced Colbun to buy electricity at a high cost from other generators in order to complete sales contracts.

22.   The drought forced Endesa and Colbun to buy more expensive electricity from coal and oil-fired power stations in order to meet its sales commitments, producing losses.

23.   The drought forced the company, a hydro-electricity generator, to buy more expensive electricity from thermal generators to meet sales commitments.

24.   The drought has forced the company, a hydroelectric generator, to buy more expensive electricity from thermal generators to meet its sales commitments.

25.   The drought is forcing hydroelectric generators to buy more expensive electricity from thermal producers in order to meet their sales commitments.

26.   The recent drought has forced hydroelectric utilities to buy more expensive electricity from oil and coal-fired utilities to meet their sales commitments.

27.   The recent drought forced Endesa to buy more expensive electricity from thermal power producers to meet its sales commitments.

28.   The recent drought is forcing Endesa to buy more expensive electricity from thermal power producers in order to meet its sales commitments.

29.   Throughout much of Texas, drought is forcing ranchers to empty their pastures, presaging more expensive beef for consumers by about the middle of next year.

30.   Periodic drought forces the Himba to save some prime fields for use in emergency.

n. + force >>共 1720
injury 2.67%
weather 1.92%
government 1.89%
problem 1.57%
rain 1.53%
police 1.46%
pressure 1.36%
crisis 1.25%
competition 0.96%
law 0.93%
drought 0.54%
drought + v. >>共 189
be 17.58%
cause 5.36%
force 4.72%
hit 3.97%
affect 3.64%
continue 3.54%
end 2.79%
have 1.93%
reduce 1.71%
mean 1.61%
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