21.   When the door swung shut after him, he breathed deeply, drawing the cool, unscented air deep into his lungs.

22.   The door swung open behind her, and they slipped into the darkness of her bedroom.

23.   The doors swung open, and Caroline almost fell into the room.

24.   The door swung shut behind them.

25.   Two minutes later the door swung open and everyone prepared to sally forth.

26.   And once the door swung open, other countries began oiling the hinges to keep it open with more expensive and elaborate challenges.

27.   As soon as the bus doors swung open, the addax poked his head in for a treat.

28.   Away up front, a limousine door swung slowly open.

29.   Back on the line, as the afternoon wanes, the door finally swings open.

30.   A handful of elderly worshipers and some school-age sightseers are on hand as the gong sounds and the massive doors swing open for morning services.

n. + swing >>共 447
pendulum 12.25%
door 6.95%
momentum 2.19%
mood 2.10%
price 1.74%
gate 1.65%
police 1.46%
stock 1.37%
hitter 1.28%
guy 1.19%
door + v. >>共 285
be 24.89%
open 23.01%
close 6.76%
slam 3.59%
have 3.17%
swing 3.17%
shut 2.17%
remain 2.17%
fly 1.13%
slide 1.13%
每页显示:    共 76