21.   The series documents case after case of children growing up in dilapidated, rat-infested buildings that violate nearly every applicable housing code.

22.   The tribunal also may benefit from extensive NATO satellite imagery to help document the case.

23.   They have also documented cases of illegal prescriptions and illegal sales of the drug, she said.

24.   To document cases like a baby left choking in a crib or one found holding a cockroach in her hand.

25.   Worldwide, only four cases have been documented of resistance to a last-ditch antibiotic in a common yet potentially deadly bacteria.

26.   A shocking report by a parliamentary human rights panel documents cases of torture in police stations across Turkey, contradicting government assertions that abuse is not systematic.

27.   Amnesty also said it had documented cases of people being imprisoned solely for consensual homosexual acts.

28.   Amnesty said it had documented many cases of police torture of suspected criminals, and said the circumstances surrounding the recent Kingston shootings, and others, were questionable.

29.   Arsenio Batoctoy, an official of the group, said it has documented cases of workers being fired or barred from company premises for trying to organize unions.

30.   During the trial, neither the former landowners nor the Japanese government could fully document their case because the papers were burned during the war.

v. + case >>共 478
hear 5.28%
take 4.77%
make 4.50%
investigate 3.49%
handle 3.13%
discuss 2.95%
settle 2.31%
dismiss 2.30%
review 2.17%
report 2.11%
document 0.24%
document + n. >>共 479
case 5.91%
abuse 3.05%
life 2.14%
problem 1.53%
evidence 1.32%
violation 1.32%
change 1.22%
pattern 1.02%
atrocity 1.02%
work 0.81%
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