21.   In March, Bankers Trust pleaded guilty to criminal charges of diverting the funds.

22.   Initially hit with relatively minor charges of diverting state funds to enrich his cronies, Milosevic seems destined to face more serious accusations.

23.   Mikhalkov says the government money comes from a special budgetary fund and, thus, has not diverted funds from unpaid state workers.

24.   Paying such high interest will divert government funds from other pressing needs.

25.   Putin said the treaty would allow Moscow to modernize its nuclear arsenal and also divert scarce funds to conventional forces.

26.   Teachers were fired, girls were banned, funds were diverted to religious centers that trained boys to be warriors for Islam.

27.   Terrorist organizations also receive financing from wealthy individuals, various governments, illegal drug sales, and even diverted charity funds, according to US officials.

28.   The California legislature passed special laws that enabled Orange County to divert funds from county agencies.

29.   The company is also diverting funds to Israel and Morocco on prospects of strong growth there.

30.   The measure the governor vetoed would have allowed for mass transit funds to be diverted in both counties to help with their mounting financial problems.

v. + fund >>共 494
raise 11.19%
use 8.73%
provide 3.16%
receive 2.73%
have 2.13%
set_up 2.09%
manage 2.03%
establish 1.33%
allocate 1.24%
seek 1.20%
divert 0.94%
divert + n. >>共 331
attention 20.84%
money 8.27%
flight 6.01%
traffic 5.56%
fund 5.16%
plane 4.76%
water 4.31%
resource 2.51%
plutonium 2.00%
ship 1.25%
每页显示:    共 102