21.   Oliver also displayed emotions not normally associated with chimpanzees, including tears at temporary separations.

22.   Observers anticipate a long series of head-to-head encounters because the two share more than youth, long drives and a willingness to display emotion between the gallery ropes.

23.   Reichelsdorfer displayed the emotion of a man ready for a nap.

24.   She is dignified, reserved and unlikely to display emotions in public.

25.   She has begun to display emotion, not simply determination, on the ice, learning to skate with the music, not merely to the music.

26.   Solomon sat with his head down for much of the two-hour hearing and displayed no emotion when he was led out of the courtroom.

27.   Sometimes the occupation itself contributes to that unhealthy atmosphere by requiring employees to display an emotion they may not feel.

28.   The black-and-white footage of DiMaggio kicking at the dirt after the catch is a rare moment when he displayed any emotion.

29.   The Millers tend to display their emotions all too often, and the lack of established returnees up front could take some time to solidify.

30.   What matters to the Yankees is that Irabu is a reliable pitcher, and no longer displays his emotions when he staggers.

v. + emotion >>共 417
show 18.25%
mix 4.98%
express 4.63%
stir 4.07%
keep 3.07%
control 3.02%
display 2.56%
feel 2.11%
have 1.86%
evoke 1.31%
display + n. >>共 1287
photograph 1.75%
picture 1.72%
flag 1.67%
sign 1.63%
information 1.53%
image 1.51%
emotion 1.22%
message 1.17%
skill 1.10%
talent 1.05%
每页显示:    共 51