21.   Police dispersed the protestors using truncheons and water hoses, after the demonstrators tried to block traffic.

22.   Police freed traffic by dispersing the protestors waving Israeli flags who were on foot and in cars.

23.   Police opened fire to disperse the protestors, killing three.

24.   Police sources said they fired shotguns and tear gas to disperse the protestors.

25.   Police using teargas dispersed the protestors and made several arrests after preventing them from entering the Old City through Damascus Gate, authorities said.

26.   Police used teargas to disperse protestors who erected barricades and lit fires on roads in the north and centre of the commercial capital, which was largely otherwise deserted.

27.   Stones were thrown and mounted police dispersed the protestors who sought to disrupt a cabinet meeting held by Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.

28.   The army, which did not announce its reason for entering the village, declared a curfew and continued trying to disperse the protestors.

29.   The killing sparked clashes between hundreds of stone-throwing youths and Israeli soldiers, who fired rubber bullets to disperse the protestors.

30.   The killing sparked clashes between dozens of stone-throwing youths and Israeli soldiers, who fired rubber bullets to disperse the protestors.

v. + protestor >>共 120
disperse 10.00%
arrest 7.33%
injure 4.67%
keep 4.67%
beat 3.33%
stop 2.67%
join 2.33%
kill 2.33%
prevent 2.00%
take 2.00%
disperse + n. >>共 260
crowd 28.22%
protester 8.57%
demonstrator 6.99%
hundred 4.31%
mob 3.33%
group 3.11%
demonstration 2.73%
rioter 2.29%
student 2.07%
protestor 1.64%
每页显示:    共 30