21.   Secretary of State Warren Christopher called Arafat and also asked him to disarm the militants, Palestinian officials said.

22.   Secretary of State Warren Christopher called Arafat and asked him to disarm the militants, Palestinian officials said.

23.   Talks so far have failed to resolve the conflict, which broke out Saturday when police tried to disarm Muslim militants in the village of Karamakhi.

24.   The PLO leader has ordered his security forces to disarm the militants and several military leaders who were already in custody have been put on trial.

25.   The suicide bombing in PLO-run Gaza led to renewed calls for Arafat to disarm Islamic militants opposed to the Israel-PLO peace process.

26.   They include cooperation on security, an end to public incitement, disarming militants and decreasing the size of the Palestinian police force.

27.   There was also skepticism about the attempt to disarm militants, which was initiated after intense pressure from Israel and the United States.

28.   To minimize the possibility of U.S. casualties, the Clinton administration said American forces would not disarm militants or conduct any type of forced entry.

29.   To minimize the possibility of U.S. casualties, the forces would not try to disarm militants or conduct any type of forced entry.

30.   To minimize the possibility of U.S. casualties, American forces will not disarm militants or make any attempt to force the refugees to return to Rwanda.

v. + militant >>共 327
kill 13.99%
arrest 8.75%
train 3.43%
blame 3.36%
support 3.09%
arm 2.87%
fight 2.41%
suspect 2.04%
accuse 1.81%
disarm 1.81%
disarm + n. >>共 163
militia 6.91%
militant 6.37%
group 5.84%
rebel 5.71%
fighter 4.65%
force 3.59%
bomb 2.79%
population 2.26%
opponent 2.26%
soldier 2.12%
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