21.   The city has been calm since the end of May, with Taylor, Johnson and other warlords disarming their fighters and allowing for safe passage of relief convoys.

22.   The mission is responsible for overseeing implementation of a peace accord and helping disarm fighters and plan elections.

23.   The RUF claims the clashes began because peacekeepers were forcibly disarming RUF fighters -- a charge U.N. officials deny.

24.   The Russian and Chechen negotiators had tentative agreements on withdrawing most Russian troops, disarming rebel fighters and electing a new government.

25.   The peacekeepers now have a mandate to merely monitor the cease-fire and disarm fighters.

26.   The peacekeepers also would assist the government in disarming former fighters and integrating them back into civilian life.

27.   The rebels and pro-government militias signed a ceasefire on Tuesday and agreed to start disarming their fighters.

28.   The rebel Revolutionary United Front blamed U.N. peacekeepers for the clashes, claiming they were forcibly disarming RUF fighters -- a charge U.N. officials denied.

29.   The rebels claim the clashes began because peacekeepers were forcibly disarming RUF fighters -- a charge U.N. officials deny.

30.   The two sides have agreed on withdrawing most Russian troops, disarming rebel fighters and electing a new government.

v. + fighter >>共 427
kill 11.47%
wound 2.26%
disarm 2.08%
train 1.84%
see 1.78%
recruit 1.72%
include 1.55%
send 1.31%
have 1.25%
say 1.25%
disarm + n. >>共 163
militia 6.91%
militant 6.37%
group 5.84%
rebel 5.71%
fighter 4.65%
force 3.59%
bomb 2.79%
population 2.26%
opponent 2.26%
soldier 2.12%
每页显示:    共 35