21.   The administration sought international approval and used non-military means to combat Osama bin Laden, i.e. diplomatic isolation, asset confiscation.

22.   The broader policy embraced the continuing bombing by the United States of Iraq, economic sanctions and diplomatic isolation, Indyk said.

23.   The diplomatic isolation of Cuba serves no interest of the United States.

24.   The new bombing policy builds on what Berger described as the increasing diplomatic isolation and resulting frustration of Saddam.

25.   The move, which fell short of expulsion, deepened the diplomatic isolation of Zimbabwe, already laboring under political violence and economic decline.

26.   The options include further diplomatic isolation of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein by additional economic sanctions or a military attack, according to outside analysts.

27.   The war in Vietnam served as a bloody lesson that the arrogant, unilateral exercise of U.S. power can produce the diplomatic isolation of the United States.

28.   Their presence was seen as a small but potentially significant attempt by Iraq to end its diplomatic isolation.

29.   Undoubtedly, long diplomatic isolation was starting to wear down even the ever-truculent Col. Gaddafi.

30.   Bosnian Serbs had been demanding an end to NATO airstrikes and their diplomatic isolation in return for the hostages.

a. + isolation >>共 242
international 16.89%
diplomatic 9.86%
social 5.67%
political 3.17%
economic 2.83%
self-imposed 2.72%
complete 2.38%
splendid 2.27%
increasing 2.27%
virtual 2.04%
diplomatic + n. >>共 581
source 11.25%
tie 9.02%
effort 7.49%
mission 5.19%
solution 3.14%
pressure 2.10%
channel 1.78%
recognition 1.70%
contact 1.38%
activity 1.34%
isolation 0.72%
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