21.   But, like an unwelcome dinner guest, cancer returned.

22.   Candle shades offer a flattering light for the complexion, as well as keeping the flame from reflecting in the eyes of dinner guests.

23.   Candle shades offer a flattering light for the complexion, and they keep the flame from reflecting in the eyes of dinner guests.

24.   Dinner guests bring mineral water instead of wine.

25.   Dinner guests will arrive in a few hours.

26.   Dinner guests danced throughout the entertainment.

27.   Dinner guests guffawed as he brandished handcuffs before Barr, a former federal prosecutor who first made his anti-corruption reputation here by bringing down politicians in both parties.

28.   Dinner guests found their bodies inside their home near the Dartmouth campus in Hanover, N.H.

29.   Faced with the problem of a recently indicted dinner guest, Martin said, the modern-day host has little choice but to stick it out.

30.   Even our question about which wine he would serve an important dinner guest caused him concern.

n. + guest >>共 157
hotel 22.58%
dinner 12.90%
house 11.08%
celebrity 6.73%
surprise 3.09%
talk-show 1.82%
mystery 1.82%
government 1.68%
weekend 1.40%
quarter 1.40%
dinner + n. >>共 246
party 27.58%
plate 8.30%
guest 5.61%
time 4.21%
hour 2.81%
menu 2.75%
reservation 2.75%
conversation 2.50%
date 2.26%
meeting 2.14%
每页显示:    共 92