21.   Circuit Judge Jorge Labarga said that Palm Beach County must consider dimpled chad in its manual recount of ballots, something Al Gore has requested.

22.   Democrats maintain there are hundreds of dimpled chads that should count for Gore.

23.   Dimpled chad is when the detachable paper square on a punch card is dented, but not pushed out.

24.   Dimpled chad is when the detachable paper square on a punchcard is dented, but not pushed out.

25.   In Florida, it has been up to the counties to set rules on whether to count dimpled chads as votes.

26.   Officials there are not considering any ballots with dimpled chads or with chads detached at one corer.

27.   Or creased, the dimpled chad.

28.   On some ballots, only one corner of the chad is still attached, on others, called dimpled chads, there is an indentation but no perforation.

29.   Sony Pictures Classics is working hard to make sure the movie makes a bigger impression than a dimpled chad.

30.   That scenario features counting dimpled chads as valid votes if a pattern of dimpled chads exists elsewhere on the same ballot.

a. + chad >>共 42
hanging 28.57%
dimpled 25.40%
pregnant 7.14%
detached 2.38%
stray 2.38%
dangling 1.59%
errant 1.59%
loose 1.59%
punched 1.59%
so-called 1.59%
dimpled + n. >>共 33
ballot 43.27%
chad 18.71%
ball 6.43%
vote 4.68%
chin 4.68%
smile 2.92%
face 1.75%
grin 1.75%
flesh 1.17%
one 1.17%
每页显示:    共 32