21.   But unlike most new communications carriers, Teligent plans to use wireless technology to transmit digital data at high speeds.

22.   But with help from modern microchip design, the electrical wires can carry digital data and standard household current at the same time.

23.   CDs also have considerably more storage space for digital data, allowing for fancier graphics and better sound.

24.   Digital material is often not acquired by libraries in the same way that paper material is, because libraries often buy access to digital data housed on computers elsewhere.

25.   Disk drives consist of a spinning platter, on which the ones and zeroes of digital data are stored.

26.   Distribution costs drop considerably when a studio switches from film prints to digital data.

27.   Digital data is not immune to evils like fire, flood, bugs and mildew that have beset traditional materials.

28.   Digital data, however enhanced, is a narrow stream that feeds the mind.

29.   Each tiny digital data sample has to be processed in millionths of a second to avoid any gaps or delays in the conversation.

30.   Fiber-optic networks carry digital data as rapid pulses of light, permitting telephone companies to send voice and data at rates of billions of bits a second.

a. + datum >>共 1190
economic 12.11%
new 4.59%
financial 2.65%
personal 2.48%
recent 2.15%
high-speed 1.59%
sales 1.36%
raw 1.19%
scientific 1.16%
available 1.14%
digital 1.03%
digital + n. >>共 1094
camera 8.39%
technology 5.54%
television 4.66%
signal 2.70%
music 2.24%
image 2.04%
service 1.80%
age 1.65%
phone 1.51%
subscriber 1.40%
datum 1.00%
每页显示:    共 85