21.   Today, police issued a more detailed description of the attackers.

22.   Police were able to construct the picture after a woman, who was attacked in New Road earlier this month, gave them a detailed description.

23.   The detailed descriptions of the cable working, might have been helped by diagrams.

24.   An understanding of the case requires a somewhat detailed description of the program the University created to support extracurricular student activities on its campus.

25.   Ask for a sample appraisal, and expect to see a plump document with detailed descriptions and photographs.

26.   At www.onfootinspain.com you will find a detailed description of the itinerary.

27.   A genius then and now, Royko noticed that news stories about women candidates or administrators invariably included a detailed physical description of the person.

28.   A detailed description of the research is to be published soon in The Astrophysical Journal.

29.   A detailed description of the find was published in the South African Journal of Science.

30.   A more detailed description of the research is to be published later in the journal Geoarchaeology.

a. + description >>共 448
detailed 9.60%
brief 5.56%
accurate 3.32%
apt 2.53%
physical 2.45%
general 2.31%
better 2.02%
graphic 2.02%
good 1.95%
full 1.59%
detailed + n. >>共 821
information 8.05%
plan 4.98%
report 3.47%
account 3.36%
description 2.61%
study 2.28%
map 2.16%
analysis 2.10%
proposal 1.90%
explanation 1.90%
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