21.   Factors controlling the global occurrence of volcanism are evaluated by Clapperton while more detailed analyses of volcano spacing are presented by Mohr and Wood and Vogt.

22.   A detailed analysis of the sale of businesses operated under licence or franchise is outside the scope of this book.

23.   That report is a detailed analysis of public reaction to the questionnaire.

24.   The ability to generate large numbers of hybrids using selectable markers will allow a more detailed analysis of genetic exchange in these organisms.

25.   American intelligence officers and Special Forces found three containers with contents worrisome enough to be shipped back for detailed analysis by nuclear scientists.

26.   At one recent session, the consultants presented a detailed analysis of how Clinton and Dole are playing on the evening news.

27.   -- A more detailed analysis of data by the Department of Parking and Traffic.

28.   I will give you a detailed analysis here.

29.   A consortium of newspapers, including The New York Times, hired a contractor to enter the records into computers, permitting a more detailed analysis of the figures.

30.   A good resource is Value Line, which includes detailed analyses, regularly updated, on hundreds of stocks.

a. + analysis >>共 726
final 5.25%
statistical 4.06%
detailed 3.34%
further 2.69%
new 2.41%
economic 2.31%
genetic 2.03%
chemical 1.75%
careful 1.66%
scientific 1.59%
detailed + n. >>共 821
information 8.05%
plan 4.98%
report 3.47%
account 3.36%
description 2.61%
study 2.28%
map 2.16%
analysis 2.10%
proposal 1.90%
explanation 1.90%
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