21.   Early in the year, the Republicans hoped to make a run at Rep. Vic Fazio, the chairman of the Democratic caucus in the House.

22.   Even that prediction, however, fell short of the majority Clinton has said he wants from both Democratic caucuses as a condition of proceeding.

23.   Going into a Democratic caucus meeting before the speech, most seemed disheartened.

24.   He also did not attend the Democratic caucus earlier in the day.

25.   He has repeatedly picked public fights with House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt and other leaders of the Democratic caucus.

26.   He advertises himself as a conservative, and reinforced that claim by becoming the only black member of the right-leaning Democratic caucus known as the Blue Dogs.

27.   He is seen as someone who can bring together the various factions of the Democratic caucus.

28.   He promised a surprise in Iowa, where instead he was defeated by Gore two-to-one in the Democratic caucus.

29.   He predicted that a majority of the Democratic caucus would go along.

30.   Hence the recent flurry of ultimatums, demands and careful conditions for support from the various camps in the Democratic caucus.

a. + caucus >>共 139
party 15.51%
republican 10.54%
democratic 10.24%
black 9.64%
first 4.52%
presidential 4.37%
closed-door 2.71%
congressional 2.11%
early 1.96%
conservative 1.66%
democratic + n. >>共 530
candidate 5.81%
leader 5.70%
reform 4.34%
nomination 3.09%
senator 2.47%
primary 2.37%
nominee 1.81%
election 1.49%
lawmaker 1.42%
president 1.42%
caucus 0.33%
每页显示:    共 68