21.   The delegation also met with agricultural officials in Australia and Singapore.

22.   The delegation met with Reps. Carolyn McCarthy, Nita M. Lowey, Charles B. Rangel, Major R. Owens and Sen. Daniel Patrick Moynihan, all New York Democrats.

23.   The delegation also met with State Department officials and was accompanied by several prominent feminists, including Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority Foundation.

24.   The delegation also met with the Export-Import Bank, which may provide low-cost financing for firms doing business in Armenia.

25.   The delegation met for three hours Saturday afternoon with about a dozen top Haitian army officers in talks that were generally described as nonproductive.

26.   The delegation will meet in New York as early as Tuesday with a committee of creditors led by Citibank.

27.   The EU delegation met representatives of Japan, China, South Korea, Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

28.   The Gazprom delegation met Sharon in July, along with representatives from the Israel Electric Corp. and chemical manufacturer Dead Sea Works.

29.   The Massachusetts delegation meets with Sec. Jessie Brown and other Clinton Administration officials to discuss how cutbacks in the Northeast will affect services.

30.   The Massachusetts delegation meets with state transportation officials to strategize on how to minimize the damage on ISTEA funding.

n. + meet >>共 946
official 6.40%
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two 3.53%
end 3.22%
side 2.47%
group 2.33%
committee 2.31%
minister 2.23%
delegation 1.87%
delegation + v. >>共 442
be 13.67%
meet 7.46%
visit 6.53%
arrive 5.45%
include 4.96%
leave 3.22%
say 2.39%
travel 2.16%
plan 1.82%
hold 1.82%
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