21.   The institutions, delegating extraordinary power to the leadership, are governed by managers.

22.   When you are delegating authority, you are delegating the power to get a job done, but the responsibility for getting it done still reverts back to you.

23.   Plavsic said that Karadzic remained president but had delegated his powers only because he could not carry them out himself.

24.   It would also allow the registrar to delegate powers to assistant registrars in the respective States, thus cutting short procedures and enhancing efficiency, he said.

25.   Judge Foong also ruled invalid an order by Environment Minister Law Hing Ding that delegated powers to the Sarawak government to approve or reject an environmental assessment report.

26.   Many departments, including Justice and Treasury, have completed plans to delegate statutory powers to officials who would not normally exercise them, the Post said.

27.   The ANC rejects tribalism and has argued for a relatively strong central government that delegates certain powers to the nine provincial governments, including KwaZulu-Natal.

28.   The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval consistent with applicable law.

29.   The department or agency head may delegate this power of review and approval to any other person so appointed by the president, consistent with applicable law.

30.   But analysts say the PLO chief also needs to overcome his old habits of centralisation and delegate more power.

v. + power >>共 573
have 20.01%
take 4.91%
use 3.56%
seize 3.15%
lose 2.86%
share 2.65%
give 2.29%
restore 2.17%
wield 2.06%
hold 1.74%
delegate 0.17%
delegate + n. >>共 63
authority 27.33%
responsibility 16.67%
power 10.33%
task 9.67%
work 3.00%
duty 2.33%
job 2.00%
decision 2.00%
detail 2.00%
chore 1.33%
每页显示:    共 31