21.   But U.S. and European diplomats said last-minute disputes over the language of the resolution delayed a vote.

22.   But Wal-Mart got the vote delayed for two years through legal challenges.

23.   But when Hatch balked, Leahy used a parliamentary rule that allows a single member to delay the vote until a later meeting.

24.   By July, Democrats had outpaced Republicans in the previous Congress in the number of times they tried to delay votes on bills.

25.   Clinton tried to delay a vote on the nuclear treaty but was dealt a humiliating defeat by a well-organized Republican majority.

26.   Conrail had said it might delay the vote until it was certain of victory.

27.   Debate concluded today, but the Senate will delay a vote on the measure until after the House votes on its counterpart bill in September.

28.   Delaying the vote would give President Bush more time to woo Republicans for his preferred version, or to iron out a compromise plan.

29.   Democrats have barraged the attorney-general nominee with written questions and delayed a vote until next week at the earliest.

30.   Dole for a while delayed a vote on Summers, saying he first wanted senators to come to an agreement on a defense authorization bill.

v. + vote >>共 450
cast 7.47%
have 5.87%
win 4.73%
count 3.84%
take 3.82%
hold 3.24%
expect 3.08%
get 2.70%
schedule 2.67%
delay 2.09%
delay + n. >>共 1028
start 3.70%
flight 3.18%
decision 2.89%
vote 2.51%
plan 2.11%
trial 1.86%
action 1.71%
project 1.64%
departure 1.63%
release 1.59%
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