21.   Market research data shows that buyers choose Clio above other superminis for reasons of style, equipment, comfort, spaciousness, manoeuvrability and publicity.

22.   American Veterinary Medical Association data shows that ownership of pets other than cats and dogs is on the rise.

23.   An owner, Billy Wease, said a federal drug agent told him that agency data showed that the pharmacy was the largest retailer of OxyContin in the nation.

24.   Analysts said the data showed that the economy was still contracting in February although at a lesser extent than in January.

25.   And Monday new economic data showed once again that despite forecasts of a slowdown, the economy was not cooperating so far.

26.   And new data show that once companies reprice options, there is a good chance they will do it again, becoming serial repricers.

27.   And, Weimerskirch said, his data so far shows that during their off-year, males and females go separate ways.

28.   Antril failed a previous trial last February when early data showed the drug was only effective in the sickest patients, a finding this trial failed to confirm.

29.   As technology investors fretted over the prospects for corporate earnings, market strategists said they were waiting for economic data to conclusively show the nature of the slowdown.

30.   At least two dozen times, people prescribed Navane for schizophrenia instead got the high blood pressure medication Norvasc, research data has shown.

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