21.   Actually, the national data indicate that the South is behind the Northeast but ahead of the West.

22.   Adler said his data indicated that net flows to equity funds were near zero in December.

23.   Also, U.S. census data indicate that the population of young adults presents an opportunity for tobacco companies, said Feldman.

24.   Also, U.S. census data indicates that the population of young adults presents an opportunity for tobacco companies, said Martin Feldman, an analyst at Smith Barney.

25.   But as research data indicate a link between fertilizer runoff in the Midwest and expansion of the zone, the debate has become increasingly strident and political.

26.   But census data also indicate that the Central Texas region breaks the demographic mold.

27.   But Henderson said that preliminary data in monkeys indicated that some HIV drugs might be able to prevent infection even many hours after an exposure.

28.   But officials of the institute, which is oriented toward privatization and market-based policies, defended the report and said the missing data itself indicate inefficiency.

29.   But some analysts believe it may raise interest rates even earlier if new data indicate that the economy is continuing to expand at a relatively rapid pace.

30.   But the new mutual-fund data may indicate that a lot of other stocks are still being bought.

n. + indicate >>共 1373
report 10.25%
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result 1.86%
research 1.73%
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datum 1.52%
datum + v. >>共 404
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indicate 4.53%
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