21.   Though no data exists on how extensive lice infestation is, public health officials report increases in cases each year and more frustration from parents over traditional shampoo treatments.

22.   We can only hope, as Fehr suggests, that hard data does not exist.

23.   Lasmo said that within the first six months, the consortium will identify prospects where seismic data already exist.

24.   Now he is uncertain that enough data exists to proves salt is all that important to high blood pressure.

25.   Until now, little data existed about their purported quality of life benefits relating to mental health and energy, Dr. Mark Hlatky of Stanford University and co-authors said.

n. + exist >>共 1655
problem 4.39%
evidence 2.06%
possibility 1.59%
opportunity 1.28%
difference 1.17%
life 1.15%
condition 1.10%
technology 1.04%
system 0.84%
group 0.78%
datum 0.40%
datum + v. >>共 404
be 27.19%
show 12.07%
suggest 5.96%
indicate 4.53%
come 2.45%
help 1.64%
provide 1.61%
include 1.61%
have 1.52%
confirm 1.37%
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