21.   Rather few comparative data are available from which to assess recent status changes, but these appear to have been Marked.

22.   Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny.

23.   Some statistical data is always included and, again, care is needed to avoid any ambiguity.

24.   Such systems would need to organize their knowledge, figuring out what data is significant, reorganizing when necessary.

25.   The coding instructions are necessary if the data are to be punched into cards and processed by computer equipment.

26.   The data are hypothetical and the axes are logarithmically transformed to produce straight lines instead of curves.

27.   The data is similar, though not as strong, for mood disorders.

28.   The data is stored in a relational database.

29.   The data is stored on a computer in our central office.

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