21.   Shocked by the events at home, the president cut short his trip to Europe.

22.   The band has cut short its US concert tour.

23.   Those early repayments, or prepayments, cut short the lives of mortgage securities and can reduce their returns.

24.   I know my life has been cut short by this terrible virus but Daniel will live on after me.

25.   His glittering career was cut short by a heart attack.

26.   She had dark red hair, cut short.

27.   Her reddish hair was cut short and neatly combed.

28.   The General was anxious to cut short the philosophizing and get down to more urgent problems.

29.   President Mohammed Hosni Mubarak cut short an official five-day visit to China to return to Egypt.

30.   She cut short the stumbling thanks and put down the phone.

v. + short >>共 16
cut 87.72%
sell 5.18%
keep 2.79%
leave 1.20%
crop 1.12%
find 0.56%
consider 0.48%
have 0.16%
make 0.16%
order 0.16%
cut + a. >>共 161
short 58.70%
loose 10.03%
open 4.48%
free 2.13%
early 2.13%
spending 1.76%
close 1.60%
overseas 1.39%
deeper 1.33%
due 0.91%
每页显示:    共 1094