21.   Speakers also complained about cumbersome procedures in the committee which approves contracts for food and medicine.

22.   Summers said the United States still supported the goal and believed it could be met with the approval of less cumbersome procedures at the IMF and World Bank.

23.   Developers said cumbersome procedures for official approvals of buildings also encouraged the underworld, which promises to speed things up.

24.   Sasaki said the new system would replace the cumbersome procedures involving different standards in various European countries.

25.   Set up five years ago to soften the impact of sanctions, the programme has become bogged down in cumbersome vetting procedures.

26.   The ambassadors called on Boutros-Ghali to agree to widen the scope of airstrikes and to streamline the cumbersome dual key procedure for authoriing them, diplomats said.

27.   The ambassadors called on UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali to agree to widen the scope of airstrikes and to streamline the cumbersome dual key procedure for authorising them.

a. + procedure >>共 1012
new 6.05%
standard 4.34%
medical 3.74%
surgical 3.54%
proper 3.29%
legal 3.26%
normal 2.12%
emergency 1.92%
same 1.74%
voting 1.74%
cumbersome 0.45%
cumbersome + n. >>共 173
process 13.20%
procedure 7.92%
system 4.99%
bureaucracy 4.40%
regulation 3.23%
rule 2.93%
vote 1.47%
paperwork 1.17%
approval 1.17%
government 1.17%
每页显示:    共 27