21.   The court indicted Saeed out of fear that Pakistani authorities might release him.

22.   The head of a U.N. war crimes tribunal, meanwhile, announced that the court will indict its first Bosnian Muslim suspects next month.

23.   The Hague court has not indicted the men, and its officials have said they would let Croatia prosecute them.

24.   The Swiss court formally indicted Zardari on money-laundering charges and said it was clearing up details before charging Ms. Bhutto.

25.   The U.N. court also has indicted three JNA officers for masterminding the massacre but Belgrade authorities refuse to extradite the men.

26.   Washington blamed bin Laden for the attacks and a U.S. court has since indicted him.

27.   A Jerusalem court indicted six Israeli border guards Sunday on charges of aggravated assault and excessive use of force in two separate incidents of police brutality against Palestinians.

28.   An Israeli military court here indicted a Palestinian doctor on Tuesday on charges of planning anti-Israeli attacks with the help of Iranian-backed Hezbollah guerrillas.

29.   Croatian General Rahim Ademi turned himself to the ICTY last year after the court indicted him for the Medak pocket operation.

30.   The newspaper said that along with Tudjman, the court will indict six Croatian generals.

n. + indict >>共 67
tribunal 26.77%
prosecutor 16.13%
court 11.29%
judge 4.84%
authority 4.52%
leader 3.87%
government 2.26%
man 1.61%
official 1.61%
panel 1.29%
court + v. >>共 467
rule 8.88%
say 7.74%
be 5.61%
order 4.02%
have 3.53%
find 2.67%
decide 2.48%
reject 2.43%
hear 2.38%
uphold 2.34%
indict 0.16%
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