21.   During this time other countries may join the U.S. plea.

22.   For that reason, many are concerned that Slovakia could be isolated as neighboring countries join the EU, leaving Slovakia outside the economic and political bloc.

23.   His country cannot join a coalition against terrorism without a broader international, preferably U.N., framework.

24.   If he does not get started soon, foreign blimp makers will take the market once the country joins the WTO.

25.   If Russia is not part of the organization, he added, other critical countries might not join, a fear expressed during Senate debate on approval.

26.   In NEW YORK, crude oil rose on speculation that European countries may join in a U.S. ban on oil from Iran.

27.   It also would be a first step to integration of all the markets with the West, when these countries join the European Union.

28.   Member states will decide early next year how the value of the euro will be fixed and which countries will join the first round of monetary union.

29.   Nine countries joined Britain in approving the move.

30.   Now, calmed by a new democratically elected government, the country is joining an economic recovery across the region in which affluent households hold a vital role.

n. + join >>共 1314
country 3.98%
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nation 1.81%
player 1.56%
leader 1.51%
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country + v. >>共 779
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