21.   French President Jacques Chirac said in London that his country would back the proposal and called on others to do the same.

22.   German Foreign Minister Klaus Kinkel promised the Baltic states Friday that his country would strongly back their efforts to join the European Union in the near future.

23.   He said Latvia and Hungary are both on the road to eventual EU membership, and assured Ulmanis that his country backs its bid, BNS reported.

24.   His comments undercut the argument that Western countries must back Milosevic because he is critical to ensuring that Bosnian Serbs comply with the Dayton peace accords.

25.   In Paris, French President Jacques Chirac expressed frustration Friday that no countries were backing his call for armed intervention in Bosnia.

26.   It appeared that some countries backed the proposal in exchange for support of issues they were championing.

27.   Loy said he hoped individual EU countries will still back the censure move, which goes before the commission next week.

28.   Most African countries still are backing Boutros-Ghali.

29.   Now, the country backs its currency with significant reserves or U.S. Treasury securities.

30.   None of the brackets indicated which country was backing which position in the disputed portions of the text.

n. + back >>共 1140
government 5.35%
administration 2.19%
party 2.08%
leader 1.75%
company 1.70%
group 1.43%
official 1.43%
country 1.41%
tank 1.28%
head 1.23%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
back 0.23%
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