21.   StarLink was approved for use as animal feed but not for human food because of concerns that it contains a protein that might cause allergies.

22.   The birds carry genes that make their eggs contain proteins that can treat disease.

23.   The corn, StarLink, had been approved for animal use but not human consumption because it contains a protein that has some characteristics of known allergens.

24.   The feces contains a protein, myoglobin, whose structure is unique to human heart and muscle tissue.

25.   The fruits contain proteins similar to the latex proteins that produce allergic reactions.

26.   The milk would contain more protein as a result of the added solids but little extra calcium or vitamin D.

27.   The reason is because the insect venom contains a protein that is deactivated by the papain, which is the enzyme in the meat tenderizer.

28.   The shot, containing a protein, also worked for mice without the defective gene, although they lost less weight.

29.   They start by noting, correctly, that cartilage contains a protein that blocks the formation of blood vessels.

30.   What they found was that normal cells and cells from other sorts of cancers contained the protein in the nucleus.

v. + protein >>共 229
produce 13.67%
make 12.93%
contain 4.93%
use 2.83%
identify 2.71%
find 1.97%
block 1.97%
have 1.85%
eat 1.48%
add 1.35%
contain + n. >>共 1282
item 3.24%
information 3.09%
provision 1.82%
material 1.66%
violence 0.89%
inflation 0.83%
explosive 0.80%
bomb 0.77%
fire 0.77%
cost 0.75%
protein 0.30%
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