21.   Some groups in Japan also oppose the changes, fearing that a widened security role violates the constitutional clause barring Japanese forces from offensive military action.

22.   The coalition, particularly the Democrats, was outmanoeuvred by the young firebrands of the NAP which cited constitutional clauses to stall the vote.

23.   The lawmakers said the constitutional clause that grants former presidents a senate seat does not apply to Pinochet because he seized power in a coup and was never elected.

24.   The president sometimes reprimands Pinochet for his remarks, but Viera-Gallo says that does little good because of the constitutional clause that prevents the firing of Pinochet.

25.   They claim his appointment violated a constitutional clause requiring that they be consulted about such nominations.

26.   They say it will violate a constitutional clause limiting foreign military presence and activities.

27.   It also contains a proposal to add -- so long as the other provinces agree -- a constitutional clause designating French-speaking Quebec a distinct society.

28.   Despite a more than two-thirds majority Sharif appears in no mood to touch constitutional clauses that give the president immense power to fire the prime minister.

29.   They also take issue with his handling of a vote on a constitutional clause that would have the Nigerian presidency rotate permanently between northerners and southerners.

30.   Judging from local press reports so far, the constitutional clauses that technically disqualify Kaunda from becoming Zambian president again, appear to have been widely welcomed.

a. + clause >>共 203
constitutional 6.30%
expert 5.73%
such 4.77%
controversial 4.77%
new 3.63%
social 2.86%
out 2.67%
offending 2.67%
sunset 2.48%
similar 1.91%
constitutional + n. >>共 507
amendment 18.23%
right 10.49%
reform 4.84%
change 4.62%
court 4.38%
law 2.60%
issue 2.20%
crisis 2.17%
protection 2.12%
guarantee 1.81%
clause 0.41%
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