21.   However, in many species, the larvae travel considerable distances through the body before settling in their final site and this is the migratory form of life cycle.

22.   This low coverage is, of course, largely due to the considerable distance of much of the population from the nearest registration office.

23.   And the actors, who consistently play for character rather than easy laughs, go a considerable distance in making the evening pass pleasantly.

24.   A bipartisan Voter.com poll released Thursday morning showed Gore making some progress, but there was still a considerable distance between him and Bush.

25.   Both men have traveled a considerable distance.

26.   But there is considerable distance between their football programs and that of Air Force, which plays Hawaii in a night game Saturday.

27.   Chicken-feather diapers are still a considerable distance away from store shelves.

28.   He is generally introduced by a local organizer or dignitary, who tends to equal him in oratorical zeal but trail him, at considerable distance, in skill.

29.   It is particularly effective against enemy troop concentrations and can hit targets in virtually all weather and light conditions from considerable distances.

30.   It takes a lot of perserverance and practice to learn to saw a straight line, especially over a considerable distance.

a. + distance >>共 530
short 13.45%
long 8.25%
striking 7.45%
walking 6.86%
safe 5.88%
great 3.99%
greater 2.54%
driving 1.86%
same 1.83%
longer 1.77%
considerable 1.54%
considerable + n. >>共 1119
influence 3.26%
time 3.25%
amount 2.63%
damage 2.43%
power 2.34%
support 1.78%
attention 1.68%
pressure 1.64%
debate 1.38%
interest 1.33%
distance 0.73%
每页显示:    共 52