21.   Beacon Hill sources said lawmakers might seek to work out differences between the bills informally rather than convene a conference committee.

22.   Because opponents are skilled at parliamentary obstruction and because it is already summer, the issue will almost certainly die if it goes to conference committee.

23.   Because the House has already approved its version of the Seaport bond bill, this second convention center bill could proceed directly to a conference committee.

24.   Because the House version contained no repeal language, the issue is being decided by a House-Senate conference committee.

25.   Bills that emerge from the Senate and House would be blended by a conference committee.

26.   Blute was a member of the conference committee that negotiated out differences in the bill.

27.   Both bills are pending in a Senate-House conference committee.

28.   Both chambers have passed differing versions, but members have yet to be chosen for a conference committee to work out a compromise between the two.

29.   Both bills are now stuck in conference committees where Republican Senate negotiators oppose including the anti-abortion language in the final bills for fear of inviting a presidential veto.

30.   Both plans had been allowed to move through the Legislature relatively untouched, with the understanding that any differences would be resolved during a House-Senate conference committee.

n. + committee >>共 822
conference 10.34%
ethic 6.04%
selection 4.06%
sanction 3.77%
search 3.43%
bid 2.51%
budget 2.01%
government 1.93%
campaign 1.86%
management 1.70%
conference + n. >>共 437
committee 15.10%
room 11.42%
final 5.08%
game 4.27%
center 4.22%
table 3.68%
tournament 3.04%
participant 2.56%
hall 2.29%
organizer 2.16%
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