21.   Thatcher afterwards complained that the December conferences had been pre-empted.

22.   Such a conference was due to be convened in Kinshasa, Zare, in February.

23.   A constitutional conference was to be convened within three months.

24.   Delegates said later that the conference had been ambiguous about the message it had wished to convey.

25.   The conference was the third of its kind and would in future meet every two years.

26.   He rejected a proposal to hold a national conference, emphasizing that the sovereign conference will be the parliament to be elected by the Angolan people.

27.   A party conference is a natural stamping ground for those who have barely four days in which to make a mark.

28.   Did Sir Ralph think Party conferences were worthwhile?

29.   Of course, the conference was not what it was.

30.   The Party conference was in danger of becoming a music-hall.

n. + be >>共 1635
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question 0.56%
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conference 0.04%
conference + v. >>共 461
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