21.   Moscow says Maskhadov has no control over armed gangs numbering in the thousands that conduct raids in neighboring Russian regions and hold hostages for ransom.

22.   Now, the agency can routinely conduct job raids and check on anonymous tips from, say, people who notice a sudden influx of immigrants in their neighborhood.

23.   On Tuesday, he told reporters that five people were found killed and eight are still missing in the village of Kurchaloi after federal troops conducted a raid there.

24.   Pentagon officials said that it has been difficult to obtain intelligence with which to conduct additional raids.

25.   Police made several arrests as of noon, but earlier in the morning as the raid was being conducted, they had no presence at all.

26.   Several administration officials defended the extent of force used in conducting the raid.

27.   Slave raids today are conducted almost entirely by government-backed armed militias in western Sudan.

28.   The Bosnian soldiers in Srebrenica conducted raids against Bosnian Serb villages, a tactic some townspeople saw as suicidally stupid because it invited retaliation.

29.   The camps had become staging areas for soldiers from the defeated army, who conducted raids into Rwanda.

30.   The difficulty in conducting commando raids has made the U.S. military more dependent on cooperation with anti-Taliban groups within Afghanistan.

v. + raid >>共 220
launch 10.49%
conduct 9.10%
carry 9.04%
stage 5.85%
follow 5.85%
bomb 4.52%
confirm 3.92%
mount 2.59%
order 2.59%
plan 2.29%
conduct + n. >>共 390
test 8.60%
investigation 5.28%
study 5.02%
business 4.66%
research 4.00%
interview 3.79%
search 3.77%
survey 3.65%
trial 2.33%
experiment 2.18%
raid 1.27%
每页显示:    共 150