21.   Bildt said the international community fully supports the view that the election results must be respected.

22.   He expressed confidence that the international community would support those efforts.

23.   Mugabe also called on the international community to support the new president of the Congo, Laurent Kabila, who ousted longtime dictator Mobutu Sese Seko last May.

24.   Mudenge called on the international community to support peace initiatives.

25.   Several communities supported domestic partnerships, however.

26.   She tempered the threat with a hint that hostilities might be avoided if Hussein gets the message that the international community supports unrestricted access to the weapons inspectors.

27.   Tammam Adi of the Islamic Cultural Center said the Muslim and Arab communities would support the targeted families.

28.   The French Jewish community supports that position, but has urged quicker action.

29.   The international community has widely supported a new government that shares power in Afghanistan.

30.   The international community supported the OAS assessment, with some countries blocking aid, and others threatening to withhold or reorient desperately needed funds.

n. + support >>共 1229
government 5.09%
administration 3.20%
group 2.78%
party 2.75%
majority 2.08%
country 2.02%
evidence 1.76%
people 1.55%
voter 1.53%
member 1.49%
community 0.65%
community + v. >>共 816
be 15.87%
have 6.52%
help 1.57%
take 1.57%
need 1.47%
do 1.35%
want 1.21%
try 0.95%
make 0.95%
remain 0.88%
support 0.80%
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