21.   Television commercials feature a mock therapist, named Dr. Phil White, who prescribes the compact disks for his lovelorn patients.

22.   The Chamber commercials feature a waitress who complains that the increased tobacco taxes will go to trial lawyers who, it is claimed, benefit generously from the deal.

23.   The commercial features Connerly arguing the measure would restore equal treatment.

24.   The commercial features visuals from two television interviews with Pataki describing that vote.

25.   The commercial features five American Olympic athletes, but the punchline is delivered by a ticket clerk in Nagano.

26.   The commercials feature clips of President Bush, taken from recent speeches, encouraging travel.

27.   The commercial features a lone corporal running across the barren terrain of the Mojave Desert at dawn.

28.   The commercial features a characteristically hyper Irwin and an equally excitable crocodile.

29.   The commercial features a clip from a speech Nader made earlier this week.

30.   The Kennedy commercials featured the striking workers talking about Romney.

n. + feature >>共 1035
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ad 3.14%
game 2.93%
site 2.47%
event 1.80%
film 1.64%
program 1.50%
series 1.11%
campaign 1.08%
festival 1.06%
commercial 0.81%
commercial + v. >>共 255
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show 6.52%
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feature 4.00%
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have 1.95%
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每页显示:    共 35