21.   Navy and Army commando ground units often rely on the Air Force units to get in and out of hot spots.

22.   One agent, Miami-based Joe Cubas, has set up a virtual commando unit to penetrate the fortress of security that now surrounds the Cuban players.

23.   One was Task Force K-Bar, an international commando unit that includes soldiers from several NATO allies and a Navy SEALs team.

24.   She dispatched an elite commando unit to one central district after receiving reports of widespread violence there.

25.   That puts a premium on the use of discriminate air strikes and commando units.

26.   The base is also home to the elite anti-terrorist commando unit known as the Delta Force.

27.   The commando unit also is an example of Islamization of Bosnian society.

28.   The encirclement of the guerrillas was carried out by special commando units that were infiltrated into northern Iraq three weeks ago, these officers said.

29.   The Indonesian forces included a commando unit that, according to human rights groups, had a history of torturing and killing civilians.

30.   The Indonesian forces trained by the Pentagon include a special-forces commando unit called Kopassus, which human rights groups say has tortured and killed civilians.

n. + unit >>共 1353
police 7.95%
army 7.16%
business 3.56%
commando 2.00%
service 1.46%
power 1.38%
security 1.13%
defense 1.09%
burn 1.04%
rebel 1.04%
commando + n. >>共 60
unit 29.57%
raid 21.68%
team 7.53%
operation 6.45%
force 6.27%
group 4.48%
attack 2.15%
leader 2.15%
mission 1.61%
action 1.43%
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